Eyelash Extensions | Hello Gorgeous Beauty Studio | Grande Prairie
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award winnig LASHES


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Fills Required 

Fills are required every three to four weeks regardless if your lashes still appear full and fluffy. I love that our clients have great retention but, keep in mind your natural lashes are still growing and outgrown lashes need to be removed and replaced. 

Foreign Fills 

Eyelash Extensions are an investment, and we understand if you're considering switching artists, we will gladly except you with previous work done, however we will suggest removal if previous work appears damaging to your natural lashes. 


Allergies to Eyelash Extensions is something we see far too often, and the topic is rather complicated. If you have ever experienced an allergy to traditional adhesive in the past I would strongly suggest getting a patch test and talking to a tech before committing to a full application.

Get clean and cozy 

Preparing for lash appointment:
arrive to your scheduled lash nap preferably with clean lashes and face in comfy warm clothing. Silence notifications to avoid stress and allot yourself adequate time.

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